If you are reading this article, I assume you are pregnant and Covid positive. (hang in there, this too shall pass) Covid is not a joke, especially to pregnant women who have limited allowed medicines to intake. The bright side is, I overcame this effin’ virus, and you will too (keep a positive mindset, see what I did there?) Here is my Covid19 experience:
After two years of this crazy pandemic, I got myself Covid positive. The most painful part is that I got the virus while pregnant on my 37th week (I can give birth any time). My OB-GYN also tested positive, which added to my anxiety.
I have been fully vaccinated (Moderna) with an additional flu shot since September 2021, and still, I got Omicron.

Why? Well, like most of you, I let my guard down due to the low number of cases before New Year. I accepted visitors and visited some of them. (immediate and extended family members)
Approaching the second week of January 2022, the whole household (my Senior Citizen father-in-law, Le Husband, Le Potter Head Son) and I experienced flu-like symptoms:
- Fever – 37.2 C and above during night time (Le Husband only)
- Headache (Le Husband Only)
- Chills (Le Husband Only)
- Dry Cough (All)
- Colds (All)
Fortunately, Le Husband’s company doctor is available for virtual consultation and prescribed some medicines. Since Le Husband and I are worried we may have the virus, which may hinder my delivery any time soon, we opted to have ourselves tested (RT-PCR). Thankfully, the test was covered by HMO (Maxicare), which usually costs Php 2,500.00 each. The testing date was on January 8 (Saturday). We opted to isolate ourselves while waiting for the results to ensure wellness while under the agony of waiting. We only got it on the afternoon of January 10. (Monday)

Per my OB-GYN’s advice, I should take lots of water, rest, eat healthy food and continue my prenatal supplements every day:
- Calcium + Vitamin D3 (twice a day)
- Ferrous Sulfate + Folic Acid (once a day)
- Folic Acid (once a day)
- Multivitamins (once a day)
- Vitamin C (once a day)
I also continued using my Young Living products:
- Essential Oils (diffuse daily)
- Thieves
- Geranium
- Citrus Fresh
- R.C
- Purification
- Inner Defense (1 capsule every other day)
- IB6 Blend (applied once daily at my spinal column)
- Frankincense
- Lemon
- Oregano
- Peppermint
- Tea Tree
- Thieves
- Ningxia (drink every other day)
- Thieves Products
- Household Cleaner
- Menthol Comfort Drops
- Mouthwash
- Sanitizer
- Surface Cleaner
- Soap
- Toothpaste
Over-the-counter products:
- Oral Antiseptic
- Orahex
- Bactidol
- Lozenges
- Fishermen’s Friend
- Strepsils
- Paracetamol (only when experiencing fever, every 6 hours)
Here is the Doctor’s prescription:

I continued working in isolation, but I made sure I slept more than eight hours daily. I also drank lots of water and ate many fruits (from our New Year basket): Pomelo, Banana, Pear, Apple, and Orange.
After a week, I felt better. I had my RT-PCR, and I am already free from this harrowing experience. My takeaway is not to be complacent, especially when you are pregnant during a pandemic season. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
I guess I will be more praning when the baby’s out.
Disclaimer: I am not a medical practitioner or expert. My attending doctors mostly approve the products mentioned, and some are over-the-counter products that worked for me. (but may not work for you) You may use it at your own risk, and when in doubt, consult your Doctor.